Sunday, August 21, 2011

Click Go The Shears, Boys

In the interests of continuing the cultural heritage of our fine nation I feel compelled to share a chorus of a supposedly famous ballad with you. Its about sheep shearing, an industry which has provided jobs and income for Australian's since 1788 and history dates it back to 3500BC!

Click go the shears boys, click, click, click,
Wide is his blow and his hands move quick,
The ringer looks around and is beaten by a blow,
And curses the old snagger with the bare-bellied Joe.

I say it is in the interest of cultural heritage but actually its more for my personal benefit.

A bare-bellied Joe is a sheep with no wool on its belly, hence making it quicker to shear. Its like volunteering to help only to find out the trickiest part of the job is already done, or being on the Sunday School roster when most kids are away on holidays, or coming home to cook dinner and finding plenty of leftovers in the fridge.

Its important to appreciate these things in life, and to congratulate others when they receive them. In the ballad, the head shearer curses the new bloke for beating him by one swipe of the shear. And dont we often to do the same. But next time you hear of someone getting a break, a bargain or a blessing, share their joy. And next time it happens to you, smile and thank God for the unexpected blessings.

And next time I joke about getting a bare bellied Joe, you can laugh at my joke cause now you know what it means ;)

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1 comment:

Lauren Delaine said...

This gave me a smile! :D Excellent point!