Wednesday, February 9, 2011


This morning a friend of mine met Jesus.

She had been waiting for it for a while, but it came sooner than expected, and sooner than we had hoped. However, she was ready. After battling breast cancer for 5 years our gracious God chose to relieve her of her suffering and take her to be with Him.

In an instant she stepped out of her body, out of her hospital room and was in the presence of Jesus.

In an instant it will happen to us.

Whether our heart ceases to function or we get the privilege of meeting Jesus in the air. It will happen in the twinkling of an eye (1 Cor 15:52)

At any moment we could be standing in the presence of our Saviour and King.

That changes my perspective, changes my priorities and changes my passion.

It changes my perspective- The way I: think about today, enjoy relationships, talk to my kids, love my husband, respond to requests, care for the needy, pray to God.

It changes my priorities: I will play with my kids before I finish the housework, I will ask a friend how they are going instead of rushing off to run errands, I will enjoy the sunrise instead of sleeping in, I will stop and take in creation instead of speeding past

It changes my passion: If this is my last decade, last year, last month, last week, last day on earth, then I am going to make it count by investing in eternity. I am going to read my Bible which renews my perspective, I am going to pray more which changes my priorities to be more like His, and I am going to serve Him wherever I am which changes my passion.
Col 3:23 says “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as if you were working for the Lord”

I am going to let Him fill me, use me, and change me, so that I can experience real life here on earth, and when I get to heaven I might even hear those words my friend heard today – “Welcome home, good and faithful servant”. But more so, I am going to share it with others so they can hear that too.

See you soon Steph…

my email

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awe, Donna, what a beautiful reflection through your friend's passing. Though I am sorry for your loss, I love the compassion of your heart.
