Thursday, September 25, 2008


Have you ever felt like you've run out of whatever it is that keeps you going?

Either in life or in your ministry?

I felt like that about a month ago and no matter what I did, I couldn't write. I just didnt have anything to say. I was spending time each day seeking God and sitting poised at my keyboard but nothing was coming. I was uninspired.

I didnt like that feeling at all. I felt like I'd lost something.

I know there can be a number of reasons for feeling uninspired, but this time I think it was a lesson for me.

I had a talk to prepare for the women's rally at our town near ours and the topic I had chosen was "resting in God". Here is the wordle for that talk (enlarges the words used most often).


The main verse I focused on was from Lamentations 3:21-26

“Yet this I call to mind and therefore have hope: Because of the Lord’s great love, we are not consumed for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.” The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.”

So while he was making me rest in Him and wait I learnt a few valuable lessons.
  • What I write or speak really does need to come from Him otherwise I will be like a banging drum or a clanging symbol.
  • He can give me the words to say at just the right time.
  • If I wait for Him, they will be His words.

Inspire means breathing into or upon, to fill with an animating, quickening or exalting influence. You have Gods Spirit living in you when you choose to follow Him, and we need to continually be filled with the Spirit for daily living. And at special times God fills us so that we can serve, give, bless, teach, encourage, exort, pray and fulfil His work here on earth. So if God wants you to do something, "it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose."Phil 2:13

How cool is that! God gives you the desire and ability to do His work. Bring that on!

And just when I needed it, a week before I had to give my talk, He showed me personally what I needed to do to rest in Him, and I was able to share that with the ladies.

Instead of my 'lack of inspiration' leading to doing less, it has actually lead to me doing more! Well, doing more after careful prayer that is.

I can't commit to writing a post each week for this new site Inspired Bliss. I can't keep finding new things to write about at Faith Lifts. I can't possibly fit in running a Bible Study for young mums. But because I believe God wants me to, I will! And He will do those things through me for as long as I should be doing them.

Are you feeling uninspired? Wait on God, rest in Him until He shows you what to do, then take that step and do it.

my email

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Can you think of times in your life when God really provides things at just the right time? Im talking 'wow, how did you know?' moments. I have a few from the last week actually.
One was a friend giving me a bunch of flowers right when I needed it, and the other was a friend sending an e-card from (pictured above) with a message that answered the very question that I was asking from a book I was reading. It was like God tapped those two ladies on the shoulder and said "Neatie/Meags, would you mind giving this to Donna for me? Thanks".

The book I'm reading is called "Becoming a Vessel God Can Use" by Donna Partow. The chapter I am reading tonight is about Gideon and is quickly summarised in these 4 points:

  • God is not looking for self-confident people
  • God isn't interested in our excuses
  • Dont expect all the answers up front, and
  • Dont listen for the cheering section

I dont really have time to read a book right now, but as soon as Bryce gave it to me I knew I had to make time.

I havent been around as much lately (in case you hadn't noticed :), because I have been working on something behind the scenes! And I didnt tell you because I wasnt even sure I'd have what it takes ... but I will be writing for a site called Inspired Bliss every Monday over at (see the button in the sidebar).

I'll let you know when the site is officially launched, but it is already starting to take shape and one of my posts is already there. I wont leave you high and dry here at 'Thirsty?' though, it seems that there is plenty of opportunities to talk about how God is working when you let Him do whatever He wants with you!

I wasnt even going to write this post, but hopefully what I am learning might be helpful to someone out there reading this. You dont have to do big things for God in order to be used by him. And you certainly dont have to be confident, amazing or talented. Just be obedient!

Those two friends blessed me tremendously this week because they were simply obedient. And it is my prayer that my writing will be that 'special something from God' to someone, somewhere, some time, whether I know it or not. But even if I never hear,

  • I will start even though I am not confident
  • I will keep going even though I have lots of excuses why I shouldn't
  • I will commit even though I dont have all that I need right now
  • And I will look to Him and not to others to see how I'm going

I'll be back real soon to tell you more about whats been happening. In the meantime, why not go read about Gideon's call in Judges 6:11-31.

my email

Monday, September 15, 2008

Apparently I 'Know People'

I received this at school this morning from a little boy...

His teacher said he had been waiting all morning to give it to me. I dont know why he thinks I would know Santa! Apparently I have connections.
I also read today that it is 101 days until Christmas! The countdown is on.
Let me suggest something if I may...
Each family decides inidividually what role Santa will play in Christmas. Our familly chooses to put the food out for the reindeer and a drink out for Santa on Christmas eve, though we dont put a huge emphasis on him coming up to Christmas. Our kids know that 'Santa' comes to remind them that it is Jesus birthday, and that Jesus is the most important person we should be thinking about.
Because it is Jesus' birthday, we have a party for Jesus and invite all of our friends and the kids' school friends to meet in a park and bring presents to give to a local charity. It is a simple way of reminding people of the real meaning of Christmas and for some of the kids that come it may be the first time they even hear what its all about.
I know Christmas is way off, but it might give you time to think about what you will do in your family and your community to let them know of the One who really knows when they are sleeping and when they are awake. And you never know, you might be giving them the greatest gift of all - knowing Him!

my email

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Coming Clean (Guest Post)

Id like to welcome back Corinne to Thirsty today, I know you love her stories, leave a comment and let her know what you think! Donna

Ok. The time has come to come clean (pun intended)...

Regular followers of this blog may recall the poor sap who inadvertently was surprised in the middle of a Massive Mess by her neighbour and friend? Well, I admit it, that was me. No big shock to anyone who knows me! I’ve struggled my entire life with a bad case of the Messies – time after time I’ve been put into situations where I say “Ok, that’s it, I’m turning over a new leaf – I never want to be in that situation again!!”

So anyway, lately I’ve been quite proud of myself... not that the house has been immaculate, but to the casual observer (who is not allowed past the main living areas) my house has been quite ‘passable’. The bedrooms – now that’s another story, but hey, it’s progress right? Well my DH (Dear Husband) has been quite ill with the flu and I must admit I was highly unsympathetic for a few days because to most males a little bit of a sniffle is always a full blown case of ‘the flu’ but when I was woken by him a few nights ago I realised the poor fellow actually was quite sick. His asthma medication wasn’t working, he was barely breathing, quite dizzy, heart beating rapidly, almost passing out and struggling to talk (now I knew something was wrong when he could barely talk – he’s a 'sell ice to Eskimos' sort of guy!!!!).

I could tell he was genuinely frightened and I knew I had to call the paramedics – now here comes the REALLY sad bit... My initial reaction was to think, “Oh no, what if they have to come into my bedroom?” Do you know, I made my nearly comatose husband get up and struggle almost horizontally to the relatively ‘clean’ lounge room so when they came I wouldn’t be too embarrassed!!!!!!

Just an aside here... My husband survived my stupidity and after a short stint in the emergency room is doing just fine. He’s still coughing and moaning etc, but he’s breathing (and talking!!) and will make a full recovery :)

Do you have any ‘rooms’ in your life that no-one is allowed to see?
Do you think you are doing fine but in reality it’s only the casual observer that thinks so?
What if there was someone who could see into every nook and cranny in your life?

Would you feel judged?
Embarrassed or ashamed?

What a scary thought! Well you know there is Someone who can see every part of you. He can see what everyone else sees, but He can also see the messy spots in your life, the ones you keep hidden from general view. Here comes the great bit though, instead of writing you off, instead of saying, “you can’t be my friend, you’re too much of a feral”, He says, “Hang with me. I’ll help you clean this mess up!!” Not only that, but He provided a way that we can be forever clean and mess free!! The Lord God has sent his one and only Son to take on board all of our ‘messes’, to die for us as a sacrifice and rise again to sit at the Father’s right hand. By this act and this act alone, we are set free from all the guilt and shame that follows us around.

‘"Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more." And where these have been forgiven, there is no longer any sacrifice for sin. Therefore, brothers and sisters, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body, and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.’ (Hebrews 10:17b – 23)

Isn’t it amazing that while we struggle on in our imperfection, trying our darndest to be holy, clean or pure, if we just “confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9) Forever more he will look at us and see not our messy rooms but Jesus’ beautiful clean, white as snow and pure heart.

So while I will continue to strive for a higher standard not only in my house but in my heart, all the while stating my catchphrase of the month – “Progress not Perfection” – I will take assurance from the beautiful text message I received from a friend a few days ago...

“Good News. There is a God and it’s not You! May you rest in His care, and be at peace that your limitations are opportunities for us to experience His providence.”


my email

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


We just bought a house! sort of.

We made a final verbal offer which was accepted and this morning we are going to sign the contract. We got a great deal on a place that needs renovation but is in a good suburb.

Its ours in the fact that the offer has been accepted, but there is still things to happen till we really make it our own. Signing our names on the papers will make it much more real.

I also have another great deal to tell you about - my name is signed in another place which was a awesome transaction. My name's in the book of life!

The deal is Jesus died so that I can be God's even though I could never be up to His standard. Paid in Full! Redeemed! And thats the only way to be in Heaven with him! (Rev 21:27).

I need quite a bit of renovation and I dont get to go to heaven just yet but I'm His! I have a bit of work that needs completing here on earth, not in order to be accepted, but just because that's what He has in mind for me.

"He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus" (Phil 1:5).

There is work that he is going to do on me, and I have work that I will do for Him. And I cant wait to see what He is going to do before He comes back!

And the wonderful thing - no building or pest inspection is going to make this contract null and void!

Whose are Yous?

my email

Thursday, September 4, 2008

A Slight Technicality

We are considering buying a house at the moment, and today the bank told me that they could lend me $50,000 more than we requested. I said "Well, that's lovely, but I can't pay that much back." "A slight technicality", the lady responded.

It was her job to do all she could do (in the interests of 'customer service' of course) to lend me the most amount of money. But I know that I can't pay that much back. If we did borrow all that she suggested, we would end up bankrupt. defines bankrupt as "a person unable to satisfy any just claims made upon him or her".

The bank has all the resources and authority and if I don't satisfy their claims, then they have the right to do with me whatever they decide. If I don't adhere 100% to their rules, they have the right to cease the relationship and take my house.

Just like the deed to my future house will be the bank's, my life is God's. He owns everything and created everything. He has all authority and He is Holy. Because He is a holy God, we must be completely Holy in order to have a relationship with Him. That's why the priests of Israel had to go through so much ceremonial cleansing in order to meet with God once a year on behalf of the people. Because if there was any sin 'unpaid' as it were by sacrifices, then God would not accept the offering his people gave to stay in relationship with Him.

But we all have sinned. Isaiah 53:6 says
"We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way".
Whenever we choose to go our own way instead of Gods way, that is sin and it cuts us off from God. We are born unable to satisfy the just claim that God has that we be holy.

The enemy whispers to us "Don't worry, its just a slight technicality. Do good works and you'll be right. Try harder. Go to church. Be kind to all men. Follow the golden rule." But God says "BANKRUPT". Totally unable to satisfy any just claims.

Well if sin is going our own way, what about 'sins' - the actions that we do which are contrary to Gods word? Do you ever find yourself thinking "Ahh, its only a half truth" or "It doesn't hurt anyone" or "They deserve everything they get" or "They are a big organisation, they wont miss it". The enemy says "Its just a slight technicality, don't worry about it." God says "BANKRUPT". Even the smallest wrong cuts us off from him, it voids our relationship, and we are unable to make it right. Bankrupt.

But when you submit your life to Jesus and choose to follow him, over the top of the bankrupt stamp is written PAID IN FULL.

Check out the rest of this verse: "We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all."

We are bankrupt. There is no way we can be good enough to enter heaven and be with God. "But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved." Eph 2:4-5

"God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Rom 5:8

Christ died to pay the price that you and I were unable to pay. When we accept his sacrifice that debt is paid.

What is sin now then, a slight technicality? NO!

Take this story for example... "Two men owed money to a certain moneylender. One owed him five hundred denarii, and the other fifty. Neither of them had the money to pay him back, so he canceled the debts of both. Now which of them will love him more?" (Luke 7:41-43)

When we truly realise how bankrupt we were without Christ, how totally unable we were to meet Gods requirements, then we respond in love, obedience and worship to Him, and show that by how we love others too.

That's why I speak, and why I live and why I serve. I am totally honoured to be called His daughter and be able to serve him and so I'm going to do all I can in response to His love.

"Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another" Romans 13:8.

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