Id like to welcome back Corinne to Thirsty today, I know you love her stories, leave a comment and let her know what you think! Donna
Ok. The time has come to come clean (pun intended)...
Regular followers of this blog may recall the poor sap who inadvertently was surprised in the middle of a Massive Mess by her neighbour and friend? Well, I admit it, that was me. No big shock to anyone who knows me! I’ve struggled my entire life with a bad case of the Messies – time after time I’ve been put into situations where I say “Ok, that’s it, I’m turning over a new leaf – I never want to be in that situation again!!”
So anyway, lately I’ve been quite proud of myself... not that the house has been immaculate, but to the casual observer (who is not allowed past the main living areas) my house has been quite ‘passable’. The bedrooms – now that’s another story, but hey, it’s progress right? Well my DH (Dear Husband) has been quite ill with the flu and I must admit I was highly unsympathetic for a few days because to most males a little bit of a sniffle is always a full blown case of ‘the flu’ but when I was woken by him a few nights ago I realised the poor fellow actually was quite sick. His asthma medication wasn’t working, he was barely breathing, quite dizzy, heart beating rapidly, almost passing out and struggling to talk (now I knew something was wrong when he could barely talk – he’s a 'sell ice to Eskimos' sort of guy!!!!).
I could tell he was genuinely frightened and I knew I had to call the paramedics – now here comes the REALLY sad bit... My initial reaction was to think, “Oh no, what if they have to come into my bedroom?” Do you know, I made my nearly comatose husband get up and struggle almost horizontally to the relatively ‘clean’ lounge room so when they came I wouldn’t be too embarrassed!!!!!!
Just an aside here... My husband survived my stupidity and after a short stint in the emergency room is doing just fine. He’s still coughing and moaning etc, but he’s breathing (and talking!!) and will make a full recovery :)
Do you have any ‘rooms’ in your life that no-one is allowed to see?
Do you think you are doing fine but in reality it’s only the casual observer that thinks so?
What if there was someone who could see into every nook and cranny in your life?
Would you feel judged?
Embarrassed or ashamed?
What a scary thought! Well you know there is Someone who can see every part of you. He can see what everyone else sees, but He can also see the messy spots in your life, the ones you keep hidden from general view. Here comes the great bit though, instead of writing you off, instead of saying, “you can’t be my friend, you’re too much of a feral”, He says, “Hang with me. I’ll help you clean this mess up!!” Not only that, but He provided a way that we can be forever clean and mess free!! The Lord God has sent his one and only Son to take on board all of our ‘messes’, to die for us as a sacrifice and rise again to sit at the Father’s right hand. By this act and this act alone, we are set free from all the guilt and shame that follows us around.
‘"Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more." And where these have been forgiven, there is no longer any sacrifice for sin. Therefore, brothers and sisters, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body, and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.’ (Hebrews 10:17b – 23)
Isn’t it amazing that while we struggle on in our imperfection, trying our darndest to be holy, clean or pure, if we just “confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9) Forever more he will look at us and see not our messy rooms but Jesus’ beautiful clean, white as snow and pure heart.
So while I will continue to strive for a higher standard not only in my house but in my heart, all the while stating my catchphrase of the month – “Progress not Perfection” – I will take assurance from the beautiful text message I received from a friend a few days ago...
“Good News. There is a God and it’s not You! May you rest in His care, and be at peace that your limitations are opportunities for us to experience His providence.”
2 years ago
1 comment:
WOW! Profound. You hooked my just they way Donna does!
I'm so intrigued by what you're saying, ready to learn and share advice as well.
THEN you drive it home! Beautifully put!
I hope your hubby is on the mend. And that you find creative ways to help you in your home.
I love the ending as Pastor tells us often that our problems are God's opportunities to work and be glorified.
Rena Gunther
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