Speaking of dates, Id like to clarify a point and add a very cool story.
Two of my very close friends told me this story and both suggested it would be good to share it with you.
The offering bag came along at church and my friend paused a moment before putting anything in. Due to serious medical conditions, the family hadnt received any income for some time. My friend considered putting a gold coin into the bag, but chose instead to put in a $10 note, knowing they had little cash to get them through the time ahead.
At the same time, another friend was having a little word to the Lord about what was in her purse. You see, she felt for some reason that God wanted her to give the $100 note that she had, to this other lady. She was very politely telling him that he must be mistaken because she doesnt usually have that kind of money in her purse and surely she could have used it for other things. But my friend was obedient and, after the service, gave the $100 note.
Heres where the story gets really cool - When the first lady got into the car after church, she told her family what had happened, and her son said "Its a miracle!". When asked why, he explained that he saw his mum put $10 into the bag when he knew they could not afford it, and now he saw God give her back 10 times that amount! What an awesome lesson!
Its not very often we get to see both sides of the story, or God working so clearly, but I know he does and Im really glad he let us in on this one!
How important it is for us to join God where he is working! He has huge plans that I am totally oblivious to, but if I listen to his promptings, feel and respond to his tug at my heart, then I can join Him and Oh what a privilege it is!
But I dont serve Jesus cause He is my boyfriend, I dont try to please Him cause it makes me feel good. I serve Him with my whole heart cause He is the creator of the universe, the most Awesome God, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! Even though I deserved to be separated from Him for eternity because of my choice to go my own way, He chose to take that punishment on Himself and be crucified and die and rise again so that I could be with Him forever. And now that I know who He is, there is no higher honour I'd rather than to kneel in service for my King.
BTW, Your King requests your presence in the throne room :)
2 years ago
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