There is a lot going on in the lives of my friends at the moment. One has just been diagnosed with an aneurysm in her brain which is leaking. One just underwent major surgery. One lost a job. Two older friends are grieving the loss of their husbands. And so I am moved to pray. There is not much else I can do.
Yesterday at school I was waiting to see the friend that was about to go into surgery. I had been praying for her that morning and I asked God whether I should offer to pray with her. She doesnt usually pray as far as I know, and previous assurances of our prayers were accepted with just a nod. But today was different. I told her it was ok if she would prefer not to, but asked her if would she like me to pray with her before leaving for hospital. She gratefully accepted and so right there in the middle of the school ground we bowed our heads and prayed to our Creator to calm her nerves, give her His peace, hold her and protect her, give the doctors wisdom, precision and discernment, and bring a quick and full recovery. What a priviledge.
We have so many opportunities to meet people right in their time of need, and though we usually cant do anything about their need, we serve a God who can. When I started praying, I asked God for an opportunity to pray with her but He reminded me that the opportunity is there to pray with people all the time, so I resolved that if I saw her, I would take the opportunity and offer. And next time someone shares with me something they are going through or about to go through, I will offer to pray with them. If they say no, thats totally fine.
Steven Curtis Chapman puts it this way...
I hear you say your heart is aching
You've got trouble in the making
And you ask if I'll be praying for you please
And in keeping with conviction
I'll say yes with good intentions
To pray later making mention of your needs
But since we have this moment here at heaven's door
We should start knocking now, what are we waiting for?
Let us pray, let us pray, everywhere in every way
Every moment of the day, it is the right time
For the Father above, He is listening with love
And He wants to answer us, so let us pray
So my friends, I will continue to pray for you, and friends reading, I will pray that you will have an opportunity soon to bring someone to the King of Kings, the Father of Hearts in their moment of need.
**Update** My friend with the aneurysm isnt doing so well and I was feeling sad. When my friend Lynne heard about it, she offered to pray with me!! She felt nervous about doing it, she didn't feel like she had the right words to say, but she did it anyway and it made the world of difference to me. You can do that for someone else too!
2 years ago
Nice Don - amazing how God makes so much sense in the midst of life and death confrontations. May God give you the words to continue to minister to your friend and may He give her the peace that passes all understanding. Blessings Ren
I totally agree Donna. No time like the present to go ahead and voice a petition to God in the hearing of the one who needs the courage and assurance of prayers...
I love your sweet heart! ;)
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