Thursday, October 2, 2008

My One Month

There's something happening around the Blogosphere at the moment - let me tell you what I've seen.

3 different prominent Christian Bloggers have independently been working on ways to encourage Christians to live differently, to look out for the needs of others and to give of themselves. Kristen at We Are THAT Family introduced
One Day to Give and Genny over at MyCup2Yours is hosting My One Month. I can see God doing something so I am most definitely joining Him!

My One Month hosted by My Cup 2 Yours

My One Month

What would you do differently
If you had one month left on earth?

Would you focus on things like love and life
and things with eternal worth?

I would change my everyday perspective
If I had one month to live
I would look less for chances to get ahead
And more for opportunities to give

I would stop and sit by the poor man
Instead of ignoring him and walking on by
And I'd call in on an elderly lady
For morning tea or just to say 'Hi'

I'd sit and play with my toddler
I'd go and visit my Gran
I would teach my kids to look after others
And I would spend more time encouraging my man

I'd read my Bible every day
That would be my foremost guide
For things that I should take up
And things I should lay aside

Most of all what I will do
Is live each day for my King
for soon I know He's coming back
to take me to be with Him!

my email


Genny said...

I loved this! I especially loved how you said, "I would change my everyday perspective. If I had one month to live I would look less for chances to get ahead
and more for opportunities to give." This was great! Thanks for joining me in "My One Month"!

Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe said...

Beautiful Donna. I promise you that I did not read yours before posting mine...we think a bit alike

Mozi Esme said...

Very beautiful. I love how the more we give, the more we receive in the long run.